USA Canada
Imperial Tossed out 1776-1783 HM Queen Elizabeth (est 1763)
-Advisors n/a -UK Privy Council (abolished for Canada in-part 1931 and fully 1982)
-can Disallow (Veto) any Cdn Bill within 2 yrs - no appeal
Executive President Governor General (est.1867) -recommended to HM by Cdn Prime Minister (est.~1947)
-can Veto any Bill -can withhold Assent(Veto) on any Bill - no appeal
-Veto can be overruled by 2/3 vote -Gov-Gen in-Council (s.13 vs s.12) can Veto any Provincial Bill within 1 yr
-Exec Advisors Cabinet -Queen's Privy Council for Canada (permanent appointment - can always we summoned)
Legislative Bi-Cameral Congress Bi-Cameral Upper & Lower Houses + The Monarch
-Senate -equal rep by states -Senate -equal rep by "region" of Propertied Class
-H of Rep - rep by pop (gerrymandered) -Commons - rep by pop by provinces w special treatment for Que, PEI, N&L, 3 Territories
Sovereignty Vested in the People subject to laws Vested in the Crown, with authority to Act delegated to Gov.Gen, at pleasure (recallable anytime)
created by the Exec/Legis/Judicial -All actions in Name of the Crown ... All 'officials' swear loyalty to the Crown
-All actions in Name of People ... Question? in 2012 Canada ... who/what is the Crown to which all our 'officials' are accountable?
"All truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." -Schopenhauer (1788–1860)
"There is no shame in turning back, when you discover you're on the wrong path"-Rce