Local arms being wrenched patting self-on-back
There is no shame in turning back when you discover you are o the wrong path !
For Resident, Citizen, Taxpayers with a child, a car, a job, a heart and a brain who know something is "wrong" with Canada, ...but just can't put their finger on what it is. -By NOT following the provisions of our BNA/Constitution Acts, there is no 'double-check' on the PM of Can.-PMO/PCO IS too power! Fix it! "All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." -Schopenhauer
Local arms being wrenched patting self-on-back
There is no shame in turning back when you discover you are o the wrong path !
Dear Premier Ford, Dr Etches, and MP Sudds
I have great concerns of the effectiveness of the vaccine passports based on the latest science and data.
Here is a link to a data analysis of 68 countries and 2947 counties in the US that shows that rates of covid-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination.
– what this demonstrates is that the vaccine is not an effective tool to reduce transmission, despite it being an effective tool at reducing hospitalizations and deaths.
Here is a link to the Ontario covid cases showing that as of yesterday 2977 (78% of cases) are in fully vaccinated individuals while 23% of cases are in unvaccinated individuals (excluding partial and unknown vax status for simplicity).
– what this demonstrates is that there is only a marginal difference between unvaccinated and vaccinated individuals when it comes to likelihood of having covid (81% of the population of Ontario is fully vaccinated and they represent 78% of cases).
Here is a link to a study showing that unvaccinated individuals and vaccinated individuals with breakthrough infections have similar viral loads.
– what this demonstrates is that vaccinated individuals can just as easily spread covid to both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals.
If the science and data show that vaccinated individuals are just as likely to get and spread Covid, then the vax passport cannot be classified as a tool to stop transmission.
If it’s not a tool to stop transmission, then what is it for?
If the intention of the vax pass is to limit the unvaccinated access to public settings because they will not have a reduction in symptoms and the fear is that they will end up in hospital, then the wrong risk factors are being used. As you should know, a vaccinated obese, elderly, or sick person is much more likely to end up in hospital than an unvaccinated young healthy person. If this government is comfortable with discrimination, then at least discriminate against the right people to achieve your goal of hospital reductions.
If the vax pass is not to reduce transmission (because vaccination status does not correlate to infection status), and the vax pass is not to minimize hospitalizations (because the wrong risk factors are being used to anticipate hospitalizations), then what is it for?
Is the vax pass a tool to punish unvaccinated? Are we being treated unequally as punishment for not taking medicine that would not impact anyone but ourselves?
My 12 year old son who is extremely low risk for serious covid, who even if he had the vaccine could still spread Covid, who is in the 2nd highest group for myocarditis risk was just kicked out of soccer because he is unvaccinated.
Can you please explain the justification of the vax pass and restrictions on unvaccinated in light of our growing understanding of the effectiveness of these vaccines? As Canadians I believe we are at the very least entitled to understand the thought process behind these mandates.
Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.
A concerned citizen
Audience: Individuals Performing COVID-19 Testing
Level: Laboratory Alert
After December 31, 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2 only. CDC is providing this advance notice for clinical laboratories to have adequate time to select and implement one of the many FDA-authorized alternatives.
Visit the FDA website for a list of authorized COVID-19 diagnostic methods. For a summary of the performance of FDA-authorized molecular methods with an FDA reference panel, visit this page.
In preparation for this change, CDC recommends clinical laboratories and testing sites that have been using the CDC 2019-nCoV RT-PCR assay select and begin their transition to another FDA-authorized COVID-19 test. CDC encourages laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses. Such assays can facilitate continued testing for both influenza and SARS-CoV-2 and can save both time and resources as we head into influenza season. Laboratories and testing sites should validate and verify their selected assay within their facility before beginning clinical testing.
Opt in to receive updates from the CDC Laboratory Outreach Communication System (LOCS).
Online resources:
If you have any questions, please contact us at
Thank you,
The Laboratory Outreach Communication System
Laboratory Outreach Communication System (LOCS) | Division of Laboratory Systems (DLS)
Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services (CSELS)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
All-time batting champion of the National Cumulative Baseball Association, Babe DiMaggio has just chalked up hit number 31,419 (since beginning of his career)
This grand total includes off-season hits at winter league, the spring training hits of 14 seasons and of course also counts the hits that were caught by other players (players call them deaths) and the hits that looked fair initially but landed foul or bounced into the dugouts, TV bays or other places (called Falsies by the players)
31,419 - truly an amazing total!!
One day we may start annualizing hits or averaging them per game - or calculating the probability of his past hits into a projection of his future totall hits, or his potential average rate of hitting - but that's just speculation.
Some Pundits have suggested eliminating the caught hits or foul hits from the lifetime totals - But for now we count every one
And add them all together - because it makes the biggest number
The Champ doesn't mind - he gets paid per hit - so the bigger the number the more he earns
The new league being formed down in the south-east part of the country (I don't know if it will catch on) is now playing pro games but they only pay the players for the hits that directly or indirectly advance runners to home plate resulting in a score.
The new league is paying 3x as much for real valid contributing hits - but the existing players esp those in the old league like the old system because they get paid for every bat-contact (and some players have old-days contracts that pays them based on totals from beginning of their careers)
We'll see. That's the Science of baseball
It's on TV everyday- every announcer has the same glorious stats!
And every one knows to Trust the Money (oops I mean Science)
Dec 19, 2021 2:50am in Bed
© Rce
Are you enjoying medical apartheid?
Ontario now has two sets of rules, two kinds of access: one for those who have received COVID vaccines, and another for those who haven’t.
Our province really has the kind of “split society” that Doug Ford swore he abhorred and that he would never allow to take hold back when he opposed vaccine passports.
Remember when he said that? Click here. It was only a couple of months before he changed his mind and introduced vaccine passports, which we now have indefinitely.
Making basic freedom of movement contingent upon receiving a medical procedure for which there is no safety data is a disgraceful violation of every principle of freedom on which Canada has been built.
It’s also completely unscientific and does nothing to reduce the transmission of anything, as is now becoming obvious.
Queen’s University, which has enforced a vaccine mandate since the beginning of the school year, meaning everyone there is “fully vaccinated”, now has a COVID outbreak. Click here.
The Ottawa Senators hockey team is 100% COVID vaccinated, but that didn’t stop 40% of them from testing positive for COVID. Click here.
In Kingsville, Ontario, 42 people tested positive for COVID after a birthday party at a restaurant that enforced proof of vaccination. Click here.
The new COVID ‘scariant’, Omicron, is spreading among fully vaccinated individuals.
That’s not an observation I’m making, it has been shared with us by Dr. Kieran Moore, Doug Ford’s hand-picked Chief Medical Officer of Health. Click here.
The faulty logic behind these passports is that reduced infection will mean reduced infection.
We’re now seeing that these vaccines don’t prevent Omicron infection, and if Omicron is the dominant variant, then why are we continuing with the passports?
I would suggest the reason is because these passports have nothing to do with health, and everything to do with creating the “split society” that Doug Ford used to pretend he didn’t like.
Please make a donation today to help the Ontario Party fight against this "split society".
Those who don’t submit to vaccine uptake, and eventually a host of other state mandates, can expect to have increasingly less access to society than those who do.
The goal of Doug Ford’s government is not good health, but control and coercion.
It’s abhorrent, but it’s becoming sadly predictable.
That’s why yesterday’s announcements weren’t really surprising to anyone who’s been paying attention.
You didn’t expect them to leave us alone at Christmas, did you?
Doug Ford appeared, as he so often has before, stoking fear and anxiety, and announcing new restrictions and advisories to stay away from people during the holidays.
When your stock in trade is doom and terror, Christmas is a troublesome thing.
Christmas is a celebration of the greatest hope in the history of humanity joyously fulfilled in the birth of our Saviour in a stable in Bethlehem.
Christmas is the cure for the fear and loathing that Doug Ford and the other aspiring totalitarians need us to feel in order that they may cling to unjust power.
It’s sad, really. Doug Ford has been entrusted with the highest political office in Ontario, and of all the things he could have chosen to become, he’s become the Grinch.
Let’s ignore him (click here), just like the Whos of Whoville ignored all the havoc wreaked by the Grinch when they came out on Christmas morning in spite of him, joined hands and sang:
“Christmas Day is in our grasp!
So long as we have hands to clasp!”
Let’s not bump elbows this Christmas. Let’s join hands and celebrate with those we love.
Who knows, maybe we’ll change Doug Ford’s heart.
I certainly hope so, because I’ve had enough of his tyranny.
That’s why I’m proud to be leading the Ontario Party against him in this coming election.
The fear and division narrative that Doug Ford has used to seize powers he has no right to hold is crumbling by the day.
Join me, and we’ll give Doug Ford the resounding political defeat he so richly deserves.
Put Freedom, Family and Faith first. Support the Ontario Party, and get ready to have a wonderful Christmas.
God Bless You and God Bless Canada!
Derek Sloan
Leader of the Ontario Party
P.S. I will never stop fighting for Freedom, Family and Faith!
He said ~~If a Premier/Person in Charge doesn't follow the recommendation of their Medical Officer of Health~~ "they might as well throw a rope around their neck and jump off a bridge - they're done!"
scroll down to
Ontario (reported at 10:30 a.m. on Dec. 15, for Dec. 14)
Cases in school, child care centres
WHAT IS the Queen’s Privy Council of Canada? Executive Power, section 11 of BNA/Constitution 1867
Why is its Head, The Clerk of the Privy Council (which is part of the Executive Power and accountable to the Crown through the Governor General) ALSO The Secretary to the Cabinet (which is part of the Legislative Power)?
Exhibit A
-a Diagram of the 1867 BNA/Constitution Act (never altered)
Exhibit B
-Diagram of how most Canadians think the General/ Confederal /Ottawa government works
If that’s true, how did things get turned upside -down?
By a single, emergency, pre-WW2 Order in Council titled PC 1940-1121
If that’s true, what does Order in Council PC 1940-1121 actually say?
If I wanted to check what you say … what are the appropriate sections of the 1867 Act … (and maybe the 1982 Patriation Constitution with the Charter and all too)
Ever wonder why you were never taught this in High School?
IF you thought we would be better off using the AS-WRITTEN structure of Governance (instead of Exhibit B above – the not-written PM is KING model that grows constantly in )– what would I do about it?
VOTE FOR IT next election.
How would you vote for it … when nobody’s talking about RESTORING the As-Written Constitution?
When no party is asking for a return to a system where THE PARTY SYSTEM is secondary, maybe lower?
Ask For it to be discussed AT ELECTION TIME.
When a naysayer says “that gives too much power to the Governor General (and the provincial Lt Governors!”
Then you say “we will hold an election for Governor General every-other General Election, and the winner will be the recommendation that is proposed to Her Majesty to appoint” – those Office holders will have a popular mandate ON TOP of their (almost forgotten) Constitutional authority.
Citizens will get the opportunity to VOTE TWICE, Once for a member in the Ottawa Commons Legislature and Once for the ‘Just Say No’ Executive Office Holder.
AND THEN AGAIN provincially Once for a Member of the Provincial Legislature/Assembly and Once for the ‘Just Say No’ Lt Governor.