Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Welcome to the "Majority Of Canadians" -Political Action Committee

Good Morning & Welcome!

I first used "The Majority of Canadians" name for my Charlottetown Referendum NO committee in 1992.

We won.

No, not because of my meagre, dining room table campaign, but because (just) enough Canadians took the time to research the impact 'on themselves and the country' of a few of the 60 changes that were being recommended by all orders of Canadian governance. Armed with that 'dissatisfaction' we/they defeated whole establishment of political manipulation (have you seen any further Referendums talked about to settle issues?

Regardless of that ancient history (tho' I probably WILL recall the story about Sen Michael Pitfield and his Op-Ed piece in the Toronto Star, wherein he recommended that we follow his example - "hold my nose and vote yes"), here's the 2012 angle.

I'm resurrecting the name to speak to 'ordinary' taxpaying, resident citizens who are not die-hard, political "junkies", but who do have 1) a child(ren), 2) a car, 3) a job, 4) an opinion or two on how we could improve the administration of Canada's economic, cultural and ecological/geological present & future and 5) who think the whole political and governance system is too corrupt, often too silly, and far too complicated to follow everyday.

So that's my definition of my constituency - kids, car, job, heart & brain.

I don't care where you came from, how long you've been here or what "identifiable group" you might belong to or be parcelled into by Statscanada  .... it's how you live and how you want to live that I think is important.

See you next time

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