Saturday, March 10, 2012

Governed by Ourselves or By "our betters"?

Deference to authority is a Canadian personality trait.

Inherited from the UK,  the attitude of commoners is to defer to Their Betters opinion/will/guidance.

But please no more! Let's not accept complacency anymore.

Not by a massive emanciapation thru revelation, nor thru freedom by self-discovery, nor by any other active form of popular insurrection ..... because that ain't possible in "divided and conquered" Canadian life.

Instead we can "not take it anymore" by requesting greater simplicity and greater consensus in the policies and traditions of the buffoons who masquerade as "our betters" when they take the stage as political actors:

- 1)(a) simplify the Personal tax codes.
Remove all "tax expenditures" (subsidies, grants, stimulants, start-up, protection etc ad infinitum)
Remove all personal deductions and tax every dollar of income over $10,000 at 10% and every dollar over $20,000 at a percentage equal to the % required to raise last year's budget expenditure (based on last years total income)
- (b) simplify the Corporate tax codes. 2.0% off the top - no deductions.

-2) Raise the legislative standard to pass a permanent Bill from the 50%+1 standard to 66.67%.  But ...t o prevent obstructionism from the minority/opposition, a Bill may pass at 50%+1, but only be proclaimed after 183 days have passed and must contain a "Notwithstanding s.33-style" sunset clause  (automatically cancelling it, if not renewed).

If it's impossible to use the tax code to tickle voters, based on where they live, the industries within which they work, by age groups, by family type, by visible/non-visible heritage, visible/non-visible religion etc then "you" won't have to pay for "my" special treatment program (and vice versa)

If it's (next-to) impossible to control the whole Canadian government without broad agreement from the members of the Houses of Legislative Power, then far fewer stupid Bills will be foist upon us.

My dream is that after a (refeshing for the public) moment of inactivity by government-expansion zealots, these same zealots will push for a return to the "good old days" (1940-2012) thus causing the demise of their political lives.

"All truth passes through three stages.

First, it is ridiculed.

Second, it is violently opposed.

Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

-Arthur Schopenhauer (1788–1860)

Where in the process are you?

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