Saturday, July 14, 2012

We have something "better than" the "U.S. President's Club" - extant and entrenched in Law!!!

Dear Mr MacD & Editors,
Thank you for your piece on the desirability of establishing a Canadian club of "Institutional Memory and Wisdom"  Canada needs a Prime Ministers Club (L. Ian MacDonald, Postmedia News July 11, 2012 )
Unbeknownst to many we already have something much better - a cadre of sworn-to-secrecy Canadians who can be summoned (some, any or all see ss.11&12 {and s.13 for perspective on s.12} of 1867 BNA) at any time, by the Governor General, or alternatively (& why not?), by the Vice Regal at the Cdn President's (oops, Cdn PM's) recommendation.

The members of Queen's Privy Council for Canada are members for life and the Chronological List dates back to Paul Hellyer in 1957, includes everyone on Mr MacDonald's list as well as many other illustrious Canadian notables (e.g. Charles Bronfman & Conrad Black, bothed called in 1992).

Who better to be called and heard when a serious question arises (too bad, so sad, that Her Excellency Ms Jean wasn't advised of this option before Her Dissolution & Prorogation decisions in 2008 & then again, when the 2nd Annual Prorogation request was 'phoned-in' by the holder of the office of Friendy Dictator).

Also sadly, the only source of History, Tactics and Strategy that we Canadians rely on LESS than the Privy Council is H.M the Queen Herself  -- can you think of any person in the world with MORE education, knowledge, grace and experience (both political & personal) than OUR Monarch ... and we never ask her "to be informed, to warn or to encourage" us.

Only in Canada you say? .....pity.

By the way, did you know that the PMO took over (let's not say 'usurped' - it was a temporary, wartime emergency measure to save the Mother country NB Job well done!!) the PCO in 1940 - by a single, solitary Order in Council PC1940-1121 passed March/25/40 (effective March 23rd) that was initiated at a time when no one held the Office of Clerk of the Privy Council (Lemaire retired Jan 1/40) and no one held the Office of Governor General (Tweedsmuir suddenly died in Feb/40)?  co-incidence? read Backgrounder "Reversing the GG's Vasectomy" by Stephen(dot)Leacock ( Blog)

A .pdf version of the original document from the PCO Archive is attached

Robert Ede,   
Direct 416.819.7333
 "All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." -Arthur Schopenhauer (1788–1860)


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