Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Citizenship in the Vineyard-called-Canada

Robert Ede <>Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 12:49 PM
To: The Tyee <>, The Tyee <>,
Dear Kai & Tyee Editors,

Thank you for Five Questions for Kenney's Vote-Stripping Brigades - I found it on an auto-search of google for "majority-of-Canadians"

First, I agree that the behind-the-scenes story is likely rooted in gerrymandering for fun-and-profit within the RefCon party + zenophobia within the Ref/Con original constituency

And I also agree that rooting out fraudulently-obtained citizenships and citizenships-of-convenience is a worthy effort.

To that end, my suggestion is to simply eliminate dual-citizenships - you're either in or out? you're in this "club" and committed to it .... or you're not!  

Please everyone just take a pick and we'll all know where you stand re: the great north strong and free. We'll know what we can expect from you and know what and how-much to share with you ... as an individual.

I don't care WHERE you came from, I only care whether you're on the "team" now that you're HERE.

As a vital part of this change in policy, I suggest a phasing out of the existing duals (ie NO grandfather/mothering of existing ones) over a 5yr or ten yr timetable.

For perspective and insight, please consider Canada in an analogy -- a private Golf/Tennis/Social "Equity" Club (owned by members in common as shareholders), if you want to join the club you pay the price of admission, the annual dues and abide by the rules. If you're invited as a guest, by a member a) you are obliged to follow the club rules and b) the guest is responsible for you actually being observant of the existing club rules/regs.

Contrast this to a Canada as "a public municipal Golf/Tennis/Social club" - the difference in quality, cost, decorum, responsibility etc
Finally consider a comparison of  Canada to a "tragedy of the commons" playing field (land asset) that is used-to-the-max by everyone, tended by no one and administered by a far-off techno/bureau-crat who only monitors the number of users (quantity) and has a job-description that make no mention of quality-of-use, cost-of-use, cost-of-repair/replacements, degeneration-of-asset-by-type-of-use, sustainability of the asset and no concern for the current "highest & best use" of that asset.

Citizenship in this country built of gold, liquid gold and pure water is a treasure. 

Why are we letting the far-off techno/bureau-crats spoil it? 

Assume for a second that you & me and every citizen OWNED the country collectively;

Also assume that our Monarch was the titular head of the collective entity that OWNED the country;

Further assume that the government and its employees all swore allegiance and pledged loyalty and took a solemn oath to "do what was best" for the owners (embodied in the Officeholder of the Title Queen/King) of the country;

And then the Stewards of the Owners Assets and Treasury DID NOT DO what they swore/pledged and solemnly promised to do.

And then what? a protest? a call to accounting? a petition to snatch back control of the management of the asset by the owners? a  confrontation with the stewards of the Owner's assets?

But the Husband(wo)men of the Vineyard-called-Canada just intimidated the messengers, used stalling tactics and set up procedural barriers to delay any/all meetings etc anything ... to prevent the possibility of being held to account. 

The Owners sent more representatives to challenge these Bad Stewards, but these messengers too were beaten, killed, stoned, bought-off, given jobs in the Senate or Privy Council Office etc etc .... 

So the collective-of-Canada sent the titular heir to speak on their behalf ... and the Husband(wo)men said "This is the heir, let us kill him and seize on his/her inheritance"  (see Matthew 21:40-41 for the "normal answer)

But in this case as deferential-to-a-fault Canadians, the owners individually quietly walked away and said to themselves "I guess there's nothing I can do about it"?

There is no shame in turning back when you discover you're on the wrong path -rce, 2006

Robert Ede,     

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." -Arthur Schopenhauer (1788–1860)

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