Thursday, December 5, 2013

2015 --If not Harper, then who?

Ron Thornton, Edmonton, Ab. asks more time, as a two parter.

1. If not Harper, then who?
2. If not the Conservatives, then whom?
May I reply with the actual ballot question

3)if not a Harper Majority, then what?

The ideal answer is: a Harper Minority. Which will prompt ol' Firewall to quit (again).

The Canadian people have recently made a series of excellent, albeit re-active (vs active) choices at 21st century elections.

In 2004, Mr Dithers was rewarded (quite reasonably) w a minority

In 2006 Mr Harper was given a chance w a minority

In 2008 Mr Harper "gave up on" trying to cope with being in minority govt anymore, bullied a dear sweet ex-CBC talking-head promoted-way-over-her Peter Principle head into assisting him in breaking the spirit and letter of his own 2007 Cda Elections Act amendments on fixed dates and was rewarded w another minority

In 2008 Mr Harper's #1 flunky's economic update and govern-like-a-majority nearly lost him his office to a coalition
So again he bullied the ex-CBC-visible-minority-francophone-immigrant non-male into proroguing Parliament, to sidestep that false step - I think he had The Clerk of the Privy Council (who s/be the head of the Privy Council, part of the Executive Power, which is 100% superior to the Legislative Power) tell Her Vice Regal-ship that there was an "apprehended insurrection" and since Ms Jean only had a rented govt-of-the-day lackey as her Constitutional advisor

 In 2010 Mr Harper bullied the same Vice-Regal Representative of Her Majesty (at pleasure) into proroguing again (to side step an inquiry into some nasty Somalia stuff that might have been hitting stride just about coincident w the Winter Olympics) - but this time the process was so streamlined The Rt Hon Mr H "just phoned it in" and the seal-heart nibbler acquiesced demurely as she stepped into the limo to jet off to ........ somewhere at 105% taxpayer expense ( GST y'know)

In 2011, Jack Layton was polling very well in Quebec - so much so that the national-ized, regional polls made it look (for about half of the 2nd and 3rd last weeks before the election) that our favourite labour-ite, the late Jack (what exactly was he doing in that bathhouse/massage place when the cops raided it, way back when) Layton was parading around at UnionDP rallies calling himself (only 1/3rd laughingly) Prime Minister Jack Layton 

The reality was Quebeckers were NOT going to vote Bloc anymore and were NOT going to give the Harvard-led Liberals any support or encouragement (at least not at that time) no matter how much they didn't want to support Mr Firewall/National Citizen Coalition/ REformAlliance masquerading as "Tories"  and so they were going to block-vote for their social-democratic "second choice" (i just don't know how the "signal" was communicated - surely not via the pulpit)

In 2015, Margaret's Boy will do better both Iggy and the knapsack, but his glib delivery of back-room-tested platitudes will bring no T-mania Two - irrespective of his hair, teeth or drama-teacher delivery.

Mr Mulcair will learn what the phrases "a mile-wide and an inch deep", strategic voting and "ABH" mean and lose many of the belle province seats that fell into his party's lap last time but can never be retained (despite all the party's province-pandering this term) by a no-chance of governing party in Ottawa.

 Mr Harper will be returned with a minority as a reward for his high-handed, autocratic, central command and control conduct (and his fiscal smoke and mirrors - everything's great  ie at least compared to our floundering military-whale of a neighbour and some over-extended social-democratic milk-toast nations soon to be swallowed whole by Germany.

As I say  --The ideal answer is: a Harper Minority. Which will prompt ol' Firewall to quit (again).

Robert Ede, 

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