Saturday, December 18, 2021

a great letter from Derek Sloan -- CHANGE DOUG FORD'S MIND - NOW!



Are you enjoying medical apartheid?

Ontario now has two sets of rules, two kinds of access: one for those who have received COVID vaccines, and another for those who haven’t. 

Our province really has the kind of “split society” that Doug Ford swore he abhorred and that he would never allow to take hold back when he opposed vaccine passports.

Remember when he said that? Click here. It was only a couple of months before he changed his mind and introduced vaccine passports, which we now have indefinitely.

Making basic freedom of movement contingent upon receiving a medical procedure for which there is no safety data is a disgraceful violation of every principle of freedom on which Canada has been built. 

It’s also completely unscientific and does nothing to reduce the transmission of anything, as is now becoming obvious.

Queen’s University, which has enforced a vaccine mandate since the beginning of the school year, meaning everyone there is “fully vaccinated”, now has a COVID outbreak. Click here. 

The Ottawa Senators hockey team is 100% COVID vaccinated, but that didn’t stop 40% of them from testing positive for COVID. Click here.  

In Kingsville, Ontario, 42 people tested positive for COVID after a birthday party at a restaurant that enforced proof of vaccination. Click here.  

The new COVID ‘scariant’, Omicron, is spreading among fully vaccinated individuals. 

That’s not an observation I’m making, it has been shared with us by Dr. Kieran Moore, Doug Ford’s hand-picked Chief Medical Officer of Health. Click here. 

The faulty logic behind these passports is that reduced infection will mean reduced infection. 

We’re now seeing that these vaccines don’t prevent Omicron infection, and if Omicron is the dominant variant, then why are we continuing with the passports?

I would suggest the reason is because these passports have nothing to do with health, and everything to do with creating the “split society” that Doug Ford used to pretend he didn’t like.

Please make a donation today to help the Ontario Party fight against this "split society".

Those who don’t submit to vaccine uptake, and eventually a host of other state mandates, can expect to have increasingly less access to society than those who do. 

The goal of Doug Ford’s government is not good health, but control and coercion.

It’s abhorrent, but it’s becoming sadly predictable.

That’s why yesterday’s announcements weren’t really surprising to anyone who’s been paying attention.

You didn’t expect them to leave us alone at Christmas, did you?

Doug Ford appeared, as he so often has before, stoking fear and anxiety, and announcing new restrictions and advisories to stay away from people during the holidays. 

When your stock in trade is doom and terror, Christmas is a troublesome thing. 

Christmas is a celebration of the greatest hope in the history of humanity joyously fulfilled in the birth of our Saviour in a stable in Bethlehem.

Christmas is the cure for the fear and loathing that Doug Ford and the other aspiring totalitarians need us to feel in order that they may cling to unjust power.

It’s sad, really. Doug Ford has been entrusted with the highest political office in Ontario, and of all the things he could have chosen to become, he’s become the Grinch. 

Let’s ignore him (click here), just like the Whos of Whoville ignored all the havoc wreaked by the Grinch when they came out on Christmas morning in spite of him, joined hands and sang:

“Christmas Day is in our grasp!
So long as we have hands to clasp!”

Let’s not bump elbows this Christmas. Let’s join hands and celebrate with those we love. 

Who knows, maybe we’ll change Doug Ford’s heart.

I certainly hope so, because I’ve had enough of his tyranny. 

That’s why I’m proud to be leading the Ontario Party against him in this coming election. 

The fear and division narrative that Doug Ford has used to seize powers he has no right to hold is crumbling by the day.

Join me, and we’ll give Doug Ford the resounding political defeat he so richly deserves.

Put Freedom, Family and Faith first. Support the Ontario Party, and get ready to have a wonderful Christmas.

God Bless You and God Bless Canada!


Derek Sloan
Leader of the Ontario Party

P.S. I will never stop fighting for Freedom, Family and Faith! 


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