Friday, December 17, 2021

Most Canadian who are 45+years old know something has gone wrong with today’s Canada — BUT they cannot quite put their finger on what it is … here IT is!

WHAT IS the Queen’s Privy Council of Canada? Executive Power, section 11 of BNA/Constitution 1867

Why is its Head, The Clerk of the Privy Council (which is part of the Executive Power and accountable to the Crown through the Governor General) ALSO The Secretary to the Cabinet (which is part of the Legislative Power)?

Exhibit A

-a Diagram of the 1867 BNA/Constitution Act (never altered)

Exhibit B

-Diagram of how most Canadians think the General/ Confederal /Ottawa government works

If that’s true, how did things get turned upside -down?

By a single, emergency, pre-WW2 Order in Council titled PC 1940-1121

If that’s true, what does Order in Council PC 1940-1121 actually say?

If I wanted to check what you say … what are the appropriate sections of the 1867 Act … (and maybe the 1982 Patriation Constitution with the Charter and all too)

Ever wonder why you were never taught this in High School?

IF you thought we would be better off using the AS-WRITTEN structure of Governance (instead of Exhibit B above – the not-written PM is KING model that grows constantly in )– what would I do about it?

VOTE FOR IT next election.

How would you vote for it … when nobody’s talking about RESTORING the As-Written Constitution?

When no party is asking for a return to a system where THE PARTY SYSTEM is secondary, maybe lower?

Ask For it to be discussed AT ELECTION TIME.


When a naysayer says “that gives too much power to the Governor General (and the provincial Lt Governors!”

Then you say “we will hold an election for Governor General every-other General Election, and the winner will be the recommendation that is proposed to Her Majesty to appoint” – those Office holders will have a popular mandate ON TOP of their (almost forgotten) Constitutional authority.

Citizens will get the opportunity to VOTE TWICE, Once for a member in the Ottawa Commons Legislature and Once for the ‘Just Say No’ Executive Office Holder.

AND THEN AGAIN provincially Once for a Member of the Provincial Legislature/Assembly and Once for the ‘Just Say No’ Lt Governor.

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