Tuesday, December 21, 2021

If it’s not a tool to stop transmission, then what is it for? - from Captured Thoughts -- What is the point of medical experiment passports? by EM


What is the point of medical experiment passports

by EM

Dear Premier Ford, Dr Etches, and MP Sudds 

I have great concerns of the effectiveness of the vaccine passports based on the latest science and data. 

Here is a link to a data analysis of 68 countries and 2947 counties in the US that shows that rates of covid-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8481107/

– what this demonstrates is that the vaccine is not an effective tool to reduce transmission, despite it being an effective tool at reducing hospitalizations and deaths. 

Here is a link to the Ontario covid cases showing that as of yesterday 2977 (78% of cases) are in fully vaccinated individuals while 23% of cases are in unvaccinated individuals (excluding partial and unknown vax status for simplicity). https://covid-19.ontario.ca/data

– what this demonstrates is that there is only a marginal difference between unvaccinated and vaccinated individuals when it comes to likelihood of having covid (81% of the population of Ontario is fully vaccinated and they represent 78% of cases).

Here is a link to a study showing that unvaccinated individuals and vaccinated individuals with breakthrough infections have similar viral loads. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(21)00648-4/fulltext#seccestitle160

– what this demonstrates is that vaccinated individuals can just as easily spread covid to both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals.

If the science and data show that vaccinated individuals are just as likely to get and spread Covid, then the vax passport cannot be classified as a tool to stop transmission. 

If it’s not a tool to stop transmission, then what is it for?

If the intention of the vax pass is to limit the unvaccinated access to public settings because they will not have a reduction in symptoms and the fear is that they will end up in hospital, then the wrong risk factors are being used. As you should know, a vaccinated obese, elderly, or sick person is much more likely to end up in hospital than an unvaccinated young healthy person. If this government is comfortable with discrimination, then at least discriminate against the right people to achieve your goal of hospital reductions. 

If the vax pass is not to reduce transmission (because vaccination status does not correlate to infection status), and the vax pass is not to minimize hospitalizations (because the wrong risk factors are being used to anticipate hospitalizations), then what is it for? 

Is the vax pass a tool to punish unvaccinated? Are we being treated unequally as punishment for not taking medicine that would not impact anyone but ourselves? 

My 12 year old son who is extremely low risk for serious covid, who even if he had the vaccine could still spread Covid, who is in the 2nd highest group for myocarditis risk was just kicked out of soccer because he is unvaccinated. 

Can you please explain the justification of the vax pass and restrictions on unvaccinated in light of our growing understanding of the effectiveness of these vaccines? As Canadians I believe we are at the very least entitled to understand the thought process behind these mandates. 

Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter. 

A concerned citizen

as presented on Captured thoughts

rce is reminded that

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