Monday, December 20, 2021

B.C. Forbids 'Kovid's Lepers' From Hosting / Attending Private Gatherings -- WHERE/WHEN DOES IT STOP? -- Join the Ontario coalition to CHANGE DOUG FORD's MIND NOW!



BC Forbids Unvaccinated From Hosting or Attending Private Gatherings During the Holidays

JOIN the 'CHANGE the PREMIER's MIND' - Pre-election campaign

1) If Doug (any Premier) thinks s/he's on the wrong track politically .... s/he WILL change their mind

2) If Doug (any Premier) thinks s/he might win the most seats in June 2022 BUT LOSE HIS/HER OWN RIDING .... s/he WILL change their mind

3) If Doug (any Premier) sees the Registered (but not rep'd in the Assembly) Parties rallying against her/him (ie not fractured and working against each other) IN HIS/HER OWN RIDING ... s/he WILL change their mind

4) If Doug (any Premier) sees the 12-only amplification PCR test showing FEWER False POSITIVES ... s/he WILL change their mind

5) If Doug (any Premier) sees Double-Jabbed (with or without a Booster) Ontarians realising THEY ARE THE ONLY ONES getting the OMNI-Con variation ... s/he WILL change their mind

6) If Doug sees the previously Vaxxed becoming disenchanted with events in 2020-21 and becoming unconvinced of the injection's efficacy -actually becoming "hesitant" to take any more jabbs...he WILL change his mind

7) If Doug sees Ontarians under 70 years old with good lung/heart health beginning to think that their natural immunity probably gave them a 99.5% chance of surviving Kovid-Korona (as a bad cold or flu but certainly not resulting in death)  AND realising that all the sterilisation of retail stores, masks, distancing, plastic barriers everywhere, lockdowns, Job-losses, business closures, Unpaid Leaves and auto-expiring passports didn't really do any good - esp compared to the pain/ fear suffered, the dislocation and $$ out of pocket that these measures caused ...he WILL change his mind

8) If Doug decides he has been getting BAD ADVICE both within the Party and from professional Bureaucrats in High Medical Offices -- HE CAN FIRE THOSE ADVISORS  and REVERSE PROVINCIAL POLICY in a Day.

9) If Doug REVERSES POLICY .... many will follow in their jurisdiction. 

Feel welcome to join the Ontario coalition to CHANGE DOUG FORD's MIND!! 

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